China Shenyang Billon Technology Co., Ltd.
? China Shenyang Billon Technology Group is one of the largest manufacturers specialized in development, production, marketing, industrial automatic, precision machining and equipment development
公司名: ChinaShenyangBillonTechnologyCo.,Ltd.
聯(lián)系人: Helen Ju
電 話: 86-024-31232171
手 機: 18940284753
微 信: 18940284753
地 址: 遼寧沈陽** China machine tool city,36-1 Hongrun Road,Yuhongqu District, Shenyang,China
郵 編: 110141
網(wǎng) 址: chinajulang.cn.b2b168.com
公司名: ChinaShenyangBillonTechnologyCo.,Ltd.
聯(lián)系人: Helen Ju
手 機: 18940284753
電 話: 86-024-31232171
地 址: 遼寧沈陽** China machine tool city,36-1 Hongrun Road,Yuhongqu District, Shenyang,China
郵 編: 110141
網(wǎng) 址: chinajulang.cn.b2b168.com